FIrsT pOsT.

I will start by saying - Hi!.
um ...ok, i really don't know why i created this blog. I guess i just want to understand what blogging is all about. my generation is obsessed with the www, so i might as well figure what this crazy trend is about!

alriiighty..lemme give you an expanded view on this mysterious rookie blogger.. it's a she!(obviously)
i am a beauty addict.(not a beauty product junkie).... a beauty addict! get it?.
i am a social thinker. i love to solve and analyse and figure out stuff(no! i don't like math)
i am a citizen of the world but i grew up in one exceptional part of it
I have a degree. whew!!*wipes temple*
i eeeeeaaatttt! hehe! but you'd never believe it!

ok...lets see how it goes...

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